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Liminal Spaces

Artist book

MY Story

Where It All Began

B O O K  O F  M E M O R Y

What is that one object which has remained relatively constant throughout time? That one, extremely relatable thing which need not change because of its universal functionality?

I chose the infamous commode.
It has been the longest lasting design for the proper functioning system of human excretion and waste. 

Additionally, it has remained constant throughout long periods of time. There are several versions of it, however, the same concept prevails all variations.

It is that one place of isolation, the settlements for the ‘alone time’ one longs for after a long, exhausting day. The toilet for me is that private space which allows me to explore the most extreme form of creative thought. I feel liberated to think when I am on the toilet, and the mind goes in a frenzy, wondering what to do with all the time it has within the confines of the space around it. 

My panels depict exactly this, the liberation of thought and creativity in a confined space. The juxtaposition of something being free within a closed space. What does someone else do, think or feel about when they are on the toilet? Why is that important to them? The questions are endless.


set of 3 prints


size: A5


mediums: acrylic, pen